Benefits of Membership
We believe powerful, influential and exceptionally effective Nurse Leaders must be at the core of healthcare delivery and advancement.
Powerful Educational and Inspirational Events
Both virtual and in-person, they are specifically oriented to the changing demands of our Nurse Leader members.
Consistent and Relevant CE
Members have access to monthly CE and Learning events included their membership with content driven by the needs and trends of the Northwest.
Personal Development
It is vital that Leaders of impact work beyond their organizational roles to gain access to the people, thought processes and understand the challenges plus opportunities of our Region. Through the NWONL Mentoring program, Board, Council, Committee and Collaborative service you have that potential.
Access to Executive Leader Vision and Collaborations
We proudly serve as a foundation for this Regions most Senior Nurse Leaders.
Academic and Practice Partnership
We are actively working across the Region to consistently improve the relationship and outcomes of the Nursing pipeline and ensure its future.
We stand alongside those professional groups who also demonstrate clear commitment and support for our vision of impactful Nursing Leaders at the core of healthcare advancement: Northwest's Hospital Associations, Nursing Advocacy and Research groups, National and other Regional Nurse Leader professional organizations plus selected Corporate Partners.
Scholarship and Awards
We directly support and celebrate, both aspiring and accomplished Nurse Leaders seeking advanced graduate-level education with a nursing and organizational leadership and management focus.
Opportunity to Showcase your Own Work
We have a vast reach and deep pedigree. For those seeking meaningful feedback and to gain exposure to our Regions Leaders, from academic research and projects to entrepreneurial concepts and trials. If you are seeking to advance Nursing impact, you have our support.